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"Out of the numerous film/music/video game seminars I've attended, the Secrets of Film Scoring seminar was hands down the best. No one out there today will teach you what Evan does, and god bless him for his commitment to improving the condition of the film music industry." - Andrew Poole Todd, Attendee

WATCH - Creating Main Themes and Motifs

(opens in new window for simultaneous viewing)


"Mercy Man" Theme Sheet PDF
"Jack Rio" Theme Sheet PDF
"Skeletons in the Desert" Theme Sheet PDF
"Fear of Clowns" Theme Sheet PDF
"The Poker Club" Theme Sheet PDF
"The Poker Club" - 1M1 "Main Titles" PDF
"The Poker Club" - 3M3 "Hot Pursuit" PDF


THE POKER CLUB - 1M1 "Main Titles"

THE POKER CLUB - 3M3 "Hot Pursuit"